Richard Sandler                        
Isn't it enough
(without believing there
are fairies at the bottom,
said Adams
without thinking that the
flowers will talk to you,
Alice asked
the strawman said, without
expecting trees to throw apples,
without needing a God
to walk it alongside
you, asked Adam)
to enjoy a garden?
Frk. Holm, Childhood Home                                       
The Attic
A telegraph wire
runs through your skull,
a steel cogweb
made of moving-picture
memories and
phonographic conversations
with mechanical
and other Edisonian
The hum of pneumatics
(the tickerchatter
of teeth)
dimly heard in the attic
where are stockpiled
careful hordes of lightbulbs,
some dusty,
or cracked,
some blacked,
others freshly acquired
and gleaming.
It is a crime to die
with money to your name
but a sin to die
with thoughts in your head